Sunday 10 May 2009

RawwrrBeckiieSheep Says:

Hey There =)

Today was really random. I've just dyed my hair, its now a dark brown, almost black. I was texting Sophiie for hours, wasting about £3 of credit. Woopsiieee :S

So here I am...back on the computer after reading the whole of Untamed from the hosue of night series. God those books are amazing. They are my Twilight replacement as that series has finished. There's another Hosue of Night book coming out in November (America :S) so then I will order it from ebay when it finally goes on to ebay. Bored Bored Bored. Don't know what to do. Might go on myspace/bebo/facebook. Don't knowww! We seriously need a new thing. I mean My yearbook is like really gay! (No offence Jodie) I mean its really stupid. Ahh well :S must try and do something.



  1. i've just noticed that u seem to mention me in every post. thats weird....
